


What is Classification?


College assignments often depend on the ability to classify. Examinations and reports in such wide-ranging assignments as government, literature, and science require you to classify before answering. For example, you may be asked to, "explain the results of the French Revolution."  You could classify the results as economic, political, social, etc. Unless you begin by classifying, there is a tendency to write an unorganized paper with too many details and no emphasis on the most important ideas.


To classify is to gather into categories, segments, methods, types, or kinds according to a single basic principle of division. A writer takes a subject like the kinds of politicians, divides it into related sub-topics, and discusses each one individually. 


Classification is a common activity that is especially helpful in organizing large groups of ideas into smaller, recognizable divisions that can be given distinct names or titles and then described in detail.


How should I organize this essay?


As you write, keep these guidelines in mind: 


Writing the Paper:








Download this handout 


Classification Text to Analyze:  This is New York


Sample Classification Essays:  Shades of Character; Shopping


Classification Handout and Sample Essay from UTEP


CCC Handout