The word analysis usually implies at least two elements: (a) a breakdown of something into parts or ideas, and (b) a discussion or description of those parts using a point of view or a method. If, for example, you were asked to analyze the text of a reading, you would choose several main or important ideas from it, then discuss each in turn using some kind of special point of view, theory, or method. An analysis in its purest form differs from other types of writing in that its primary concern simply is to explain something in greater or newer detail using a unique point of view, whereas the main purposes of many kinds of papers may be to argue or to evaluate. In fact, some assignments may require you to use analysis to argue a point or to evaluate something. However, if you are required to do nothing but a simple analysis, then your primary goal is to explain something from a unique point of view.
It may be useful to think of an analysis as helping someone younger or less experienced than you order from a menu at your favorite restaurant. If you are being thoughtful, first you will choose the viewpoint of the other person: e.g., an eight-year-old’s view of the food, a vegetarian’s view of it, or perhaps the viewpoint of someone who has never eaten in this kind of restaurant. Then you might explain the basic organization of the menu or simply dive in and explain in more detail the kinds of foods you think the person might find most interesting.
Notes on Critical Analysis
Notes on Analysis of Visual Rhetoric - Purdue University
Sample Rhetorical Analysis Essay; Basic Questions for Rhetorical Analysis
Text to Analyze: How We Listen to Music; The Magnificent Frigate Bird
Student Samples
CCC Handout
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